First, it was just news from somewhere far. Then it suddenly penetrated our neighbors’ lives. Then, it came for us. People were defiant to the change. They tried keeping their heads and hopes up. We heard many songs sung from balconies; we read many supportive...
Isolation is the year 2020. Whether you’re combating inequality due to your ethnic heritage, or navigating an economic system that’s been shuttered because of a healthcare/leadership disaster: you are alone. I’ve heard of isolation at rallies, among bus patrons...
While I have always dealt with my fair share of mental health issues, the pandemic has added challenges that I never thought possible. This piece, entitled Fading, is inspired by Claude Monet, one of my favorite artists. It represents how depression can dull the...
As far as I can tell, there’s not a soul around. The sky hasn’t changed. The clouds are still beautiful. Por lo que puedo decir, no hay un alma alrededor. El cielo no ha cambiado. Las nubes siguen siendo hermosas.
Inside Outside was created during the early part of the pandemic when we first followed the stay at home guidelines. An abstract beginning as a study of the complementary colors of yellow and blue violet, it quickly developed a structure of its own. The yellow became...