Ruthie Marchand

Ruthie Marchand

During the pandemic, more people have had to adapt to an introverted lifestyle. As natural introverts, artists have not changed their vibrant, yet private, way of life. Now that shows and deadlines are less prevalent, the pandemic has been a time for artists to...
Moira Marti Geoffrion

Moira Marti Geoffrion

Many of my recent paintings came from weeks of focusing on the environment, while practicing isolation and complete social distancing from everyone except our immediate family. The fires on Mount Lemmon, resulted from dry lightning striking decades of understory...
Julia Patterson

Julia Patterson

I hadn’t meant to make a corona painting, but I found myself thinking about rest as a possible benefit of quarantine. There are 6 different musical rest symbols in this painting, interspersed with imagery of corona and lockdown and masks, which were all new to...
Keith Edwards

Keith Edwards

I come from a family with a history of involvement in the arts going back generations—on the paternal side musicians; the maternal side artists. Up until this year I was always interested and involved in music composition; I ignored visual art. However, two life...
Georgia O’Keeffe

Georgia O’Keeffe

The year 2020 has forced many to reflect and reconsider preconceived understandings and beliefs. Many artists in “Picturing 2020: A Community Reflects” expressed experiencing a shift in perspective, a new way of seeing and understanding our world. Red...