Alexander J. Kouvel

Alexander J. Kouvel

The icon is a traditional sacred art form associated with the Eastern Orthodox Church. The images follow strict guidelines and are normally not signed. I myself am baptized in the Greek Orthodox rite. I became intrigued with iconography during a pilgrimage to several...
Autumn Eckman

Autumn Eckman

Shape-less is part of ongoing dance and film collaborations between Autumn Eckman(Assistant Professor of Dance) and Jonathan Marquis (MA Art History, MFA Art). Creative challenges experienced in light of Covid-19 inspired us to explore ways to share how ideas might...
Barbara O Hall

Barbara O Hall

The southern Arizona landscape has always appealed to me, but in normal times my appreciation was purely visual. Several events due to the pandemic led to my artwork here. First, the shutdown freed up my time. Second, while working on one of the items on my shutdown...
Bryan A. Dudak

Bryan A. Dudak

I was inspired to go out and photograph this image after seeing other amazing shots of the same fire. I wanted to capture both the beauty and surrealness of what was happening. Seeing, is believing but how you choose to interpret that information is key. Sentí la...