As I have been trying to keep myself and my kids healthy, centered, and well balanced, we have gone on as many hikes as we could, getting out into the desert whenever possible. (These hikes helped me find images that became paintings). Beauty, renewal, and, even in a...
This painting records a powerful visual image I experienced while recently hospitalized for 45 days. I did not have Covid-19, although I was in critical condition. My illness and the ensuing issues took me to the edge of life. Twice my family was allowed to see me—to...
Drawing has been a form of meditation, distraction,and joy in these months of uncertainty. Like faith, living in uncertain times requires a strong mind and a will to continue despite the difficulties that surround, however great or small than may be. Through art, I...
As a child, I spent weeks at a time hospitalized with lung disease. Through spells of sickness, I took solace in my imagination, drawing and redrawing hundreds of versions of the same subject—each act of repetition pulling me deeper into a realm where sickness could...
This portrait is inspired by my work mentoring school-aged boys. The pandemic all but eliminated that opportunity yet the boys still need supportive adults willing to help them work through their transformation, to choose different hats, to wonder about fit and come...