Lady Liberty has a lot to weep for. 2020 is the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment. Women, women of all colors, are still not equal. La Dama de la Libertad tiene mucho por lo que llorar. El 2020 es el 100º aniversario de la 19ª Enmienda. Las mujeres, las mujeres...
I went to The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, and won many awards. I recently was in the New York Times. Part of my profits go to homeless youth in Tucson and Chicago. I’ve been an activist for 25 years. After a serious diagnosis, I could no longer do social...
The overwhelming loss of life in this country in 2020 due to racism, violence, and the pandemic has brought us to our knees. I feel the crushing blow of ineffective leadership in my every moment. The magnitude of the loss of life by the most marginalized populations...
As a retired librarian, I share my outrage about racism and police brutality by painting my feelings. Now 77, it is about all I can do to support civil rights. I employ flag images to portray American hypocrisy about patriotism. My portrait of Paul Robeson illustrates...
This project is the debut of a local black queer artist collective, Arrogant Fruit; we consist of poets, educators, songwriters, and performance artists. Black Queer Sonoran Gospel is a visual poetic ode to blackness during the Global Coronavirus Pandemic. As black...